March 2017 Chiricahua National Monument has been on our sightseeing list since we first visited southeastern Arizona. The name, which comes from the tribe that once lived in the region, is unique and fun to say, the way that it…
Things That Fly – Birds and Planes in Tucson
March 2017 We spent far more time camping in the Casino Del Sol parking lot in Tucson than we planned – 19 nights to be exact. I was a bit frustrated about staying in a parking lot for so long,…
Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument
The ultimate place to experience the lush, green Sonoran Desert in a remote, wilderness setting is at Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument. Michael and I appreciate the stark beauty of desert landscapes and the unique plants and animals adapted to…
Sandhill Cranes at Cibola National Wildlife Refuge
From our campsite near Cibola National Wildlife Refuge, we watched hundreds of sandhill cranes fly in to roost in the wetlands every evening as the sun was setting. Their calls tickled our ears and gave us goose bumps. At night…
Bighorn Sheep at Kofa National Wildlife Refuge
Desert bighorn sheep are elusive animals that live in extremely steep and rocky desert mountains of southwestern North America, and they blend in well with their environment. Populations have declined significantly over the past 100 years, due to competition with…