I have been working on getting rid of SIBO for nearly two years now, and I’ve progressed and regressed many times. The whole thing is quite frustrating, and it can be difficult to maintain a positive outlook and have hope…
SIBO – The Diagnosis
I have SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth). SIBO happens when for one reason or another the bacteria (i.e., “normal flora”) that reside in the large intestine move up into the small intestine where they do not belong and overgrow there.…
Sandhill Cranes at Cibola National Wildlife Refuge
From our campsite near Cibola National Wildlife Refuge, we watched hundreds of sandhill cranes fly in to roost in the wetlands every evening as the sun was setting. Their calls tickled our ears and gave us goose bumps. At night…
Bighorn Sheep at Kofa National Wildlife Refuge
Desert bighorn sheep are elusive animals that live in extremely steep and rocky desert mountains of southwestern North America, and they blend in well with their environment. Populations have declined significantly over the past 100 years, due to competition with…